Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family Jenga!

Our family has always been into games. Hubby and I try to set aside nights to play with the kids. Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Sorry!, Jenga, Connect 4, Checkers...and the list goes on.
Bubby is concentrating while trying to set daddy up to fail!
Daddy's turn
Little Miss is the mouthy one...harassing everyone while talking about what a wonderful player she is.
I so didn't want to put this picture of myself...but here I am.
Little Miss says "Whoever loses has to give me some lovin'". I was the first to take it down and the second game Bubby lost. So she looks at him and says, "Give me some sugar!". And yes, he was grossed out at the thought of that!
My kids are silly!


  1. That looks like so much fun! I've never played that before.

    Love Little Miss's statement!

  2. Jenga is really fun! And the picture of you is great! You are really concentrating!

  3. I LOVE famiy game nights. I'm looking forward to when mine are older and we can play board games. Right now it's hide and go seek every night! :) New MBC follower.



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