Meet Slick, the newest addition to our family. He's really cute and fun to watch. He has this little squeak or whistle sound he makes when you bring him a treat. We got him as an early nine year birthday present for Jared. Jared is really doing a wonderful job about feeding and watering him daily while making sure his water bottle is full with vitamins added. He plays with him quite a bit and the best part, is that he's not a nocturnal creature--he's awake during the day.
This little guy was actually purchased to replace our lost kitty, Panda. I tried several cats before coming up with this small, caged critter; however, I have recently acquired the ability to pick the worst behaved animals. I brought two cats home the first go...siblings, a little male and female, Jasmine and Ace. They were beautiful exotic short hairs. Between the two of them, I almost had no skin left, and the kids couldn't get near them. Thus, I gave them back to the breeder. Next, a gal from work gave me a little male (she paid for the neutering) and I thought I was getting a fabulous deal. Mason was a little lover but he had this thing about peeing in my laundry baskets. No, he didn't have a UTI because we checked. One evening I found where he had peed in my clean white clothes. I kind of had a problem with that and the lady that gave him to me took him back as well. I got the next little fellow at one of the shelters here in town where they had already had him neutered. Max also loved to be held and petted--you could hear his little motor running from across the room. His problem was pooping on the carpet and his love of plastic. He liked to pee on my bathroom rugs or any plastic bags that kid toys came in (like the Lego bags). I gave him to a lady that could keep him outside--her kids fell in love with him.

So this post in is memory of Panda, our 17 pound ball of fur that loved to be held like a baby. I have picture after picture of him with the kids. Whether they were dragging him around or dressing him up he never cared. He loved them no matter what. What a great cat. This post also celebrates Slick because his presence has helping the kids cope with the loss of their best cat.
You haven't had much luck with the pets have you?!? Good choice with a Guinea Pig though. My husband and I have 2 and they are the best little pets. Perfect for us too, as they don't need huge amounts of attention which is good considering I work all day and Mr.P works all night!