Broccoli and Green Beans
Waterless Cookware...truly an amazing invention. For those of you who haven't ever seen it, you can cook all food literally without water. Posted here are pictures of the frozen green beans and broccoli I made tonight for dinner (yes, I really did cook). First of all, how cool is it that I can pour two different veggies in one pan without them getting all mixed up? Second, think of all the nutrition that I didn't boil right out of the food?? I also have the electric skillet that is filled with some sort of oil in the center. I can slap any kind of meat down minus the cooking oil and it doesn't stick/doesn't burn. Seriously. It's also wonderful with pancakes. They actually turn out looking like they do in the pictures. We were fortunate to be able buy these pans a couple of
years ago from Salad Master, but I was just researching online and there are lots of different types of these pans for a much more affordable price. I don't know what kinda of warranty/guarantee that comes with these other brands (Salad Master has a fabulous warranty) but if there's anyway you can try these pans out--I definitely recommend them. You can also find used ones on e-bay most of the time for a better deal!
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