Friday, December 25, 2009


Have a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Week

Life is busy, especially the week of Christmas. I'm sure that everyone feels like time is passing faster then they can keep up. I sure do!!
A friend of mine lost her father last week from a massive heart attack. It's always difficult to lose loved ones, especially when it was not expected. As she shared a little with me earlier today, I thought about what we take for granted and how we need to cherish the time we have now. It's so easy to get caught up in the hubbub of kid's games, piano lessons, school, and every other activity out there.
I love my family. I'm thankful that I have a job in this difficult time when so many are struggling without one. How fortunate I am that we are healthy and have a nice home that is safe and warm. Thank you Lord, for the blessings that you have poured out on me and my family.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I was sitting at the computer earlier this evening and looked over to see this:
Maybe this is a better angle!
Silly girl!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tasty Tuesday is TOO Yummy this week!!

Aunt Katy, Uncle Rick and I made homemade caramel popcorn and now I'm going to share this fabulously sinful recipe with the rest of you! Print it and make it! You'll love me and hate me for it all at the same time!! Guaranteed!!

**Fill a disposable turkey roasting pan with fresh-popped hot air popcorn. Add a handful or two of peanuts if desired**

Caramel Popcorn

2 cups brown sugar

1/2 cup white corn syrup

1 cup butter

1/4 tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

Cook first five ingredients to hard ball stage (260 degrees). Stir constantly. Remove from heat. Stir in baking soda. Pour over popcorn. Mix well. (There were two of us with large spoons working hard to make sure all the popcorn was covered) Bake for one hour at 200 degrees...make sure you mix the popcorn every 15 minutes while baking. Pour out on wax paper. Break popcorn apart and let cool. Store in air tight container.

Eat and Enjoy!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family Jenga!

Our family has always been into games. Hubby and I try to set aside nights to play with the kids. Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Sorry!, Jenga, Connect 4, Checkers...and the list goes on.
Bubby is concentrating while trying to set daddy up to fail!
Daddy's turn
Little Miss is the mouthy one...harassing everyone while talking about what a wonderful player she is.
I so didn't want to put this picture of myself...but here I am.
Little Miss says "Whoever loses has to give me some lovin'". I was the first to take it down and the second game Bubby lost. So she looks at him and says, "Give me some sugar!". And yes, he was grossed out at the thought of that!
My kids are silly!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I feel blessed!

What a relaxing day this has been! The whole family did nothing productive...and it was wonderful! How nice to not have to be anywhere, ignore the outside world, and just hang out together. All four of us laid down for naps (three of us took them...Little Miss has never been much on naps). Saturdays like this are, unfortunately, few and far between. I feel blessed!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


ZOOOOOOOM!! That's how fast the time is going. Oh my goodness, it's only 16 days until Christmas and I'm so not ready. This year I get to work Christmas Eve, the weekend after Christmas, and New Year's Day (yes, I also got to work Thanksgiving). Notice how I say I "get" to...are you totally digging my positive attitude? I know I've said this before but I wish that I could push the pause button on life. Life just seems to keep going and somehow I seem to get left behind at times.

So, hubby and I were sitting on the sofa a little while ago, getting ready to put the kids to bed. Little Miss was playing on the computer and bubby was finishing up his bath. Out of the corner of my eye I see this little creature run past me and around the piano. Believe it or not, it wasn't the gerbils (still waiting to find out if we're going to have babies soon) but the guinea pig. Slick then darted behind the sofa and ran behind the Christmas Tree (which of course, is in the corner and hard to get behind) where he immediately dropped little guinea pig turds. Finally, we chased him down the hall and into bubby's bedroom where we eventually got him back into his cage. Why did I think that these little creatures were a good idea?? Remind me!!

Last week I went over to my aunt's house and we made peanut butter fudge and homemade caramel popcorn. TO DIE FOR!! I got some really cute little containers from dollar general (for $2) and filled them up with popcorn. With baggies full of fudge and little porcelain snowmen in tow we delivered teacher's presents already! Bubby's teacher is having a baby in nine days and I didn't want to not get it to her and have to eat her gift. I plan on posting the recipe next week for that popcorn and believe me, you'll want to try it!!

I work the next two days...have a glorious end of the week!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Three trees for our house!

The last several years I've had a pretty ribbon on top of my tree, but this year we decided to go with a star. We took the time to talk to the kids about why we put a star on the top of the Christmas tree and what the star did all those years ago.

I did give up my "theme tree" and allowed Santa Clause and reindeer, etc. I know it's not about me...but it was still hard!

Little Miss' tree! Notice the pink feather boas with porcelain doll and pink roses. Love the shatter proof plastic ornaments.

Bubby picked the colors of the Power Rangers (minus pink). So boy!

The journey getting these trees up can be stressful, however, the end result is so pretty!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Looking forward to this...

I am proud to admit that I am a Sarah Palin supporter... ...looking forward to what I hope is a great read!
I'll let you know!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is it about infomercials?

What is it about infomercials?? Or QVC?? It's like they have some sort of hypnotic powers! The other night we were watching some infomercial about this belt that works your ab muscles...I'm looking at it and thinking "I could look like that...I just have to buy the belt!". Of course, these women were size 4 and had some of the most amazing abs EVER! By the way, I did NOT buy the belt.

QVC had some skinny jeans on the other evening and again...I'm thinking "I need skinny jeans...they'll make me look skinny". Of course, I don't really think that is what skinny jeans are for. My little sis, who is almost 18, asked for skinny jeans and flats for Christmas. I used to wear skinny jeans and flats back in high school!! It's crazy how all the styles come full circle. Do you think we'll be tight rolling our pants soon and ratting our bangs while spraying Aqua net? I've learned that I'll never say "never" because I've had to eat my words before.

While I had the flu and was vegetating in front of the TV, I came across Montel Williams and he was doing a show (infomercial) about his new Healthmaster, a food emulsifier. This time I actually broke down and purchased it. The first evening we made fruit smoothies with two oranges, 2 whole apples (seeds and all), a banana, and frozen strawberries. My kids loved it! The next morning I made them an apple and banana smoothie with spinach and they drank that as well. Think of all the fiber they're getting--It might just be worth it! Looking forward to pineapple sorbet!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Call me Oscar the Grouch

I'm a grump...a me Oscar the Grouch! Somehow I woke up scowling and haven't felt like smiling yet. I hate to admit it, but as I was helping my kids get ready for school, I wasn't the most pleasant mommy. My answers were short and my voice was probably louder than it should have been. It has been one of those mornings where I keep thinking to myself "Why are you acting this way? Why are you saying these things? Why don't you keep your mouth shut?"

I work again tomorrow and I sit and look at the house. The bathrooms need cleaned. The kitchen needs cleaned. My bedroom is a wreck. And I want to climb in bed and ignore it all.

My mother-in-law always says "This too shall pass," and it will. My crabbiness will get better, the house will finally get cleaned, and life in general won't look so bleak. I know that I have so much to be thankful for, especially as we enter this Chritmas season, and I need to focus on that which is positive. It's supposed to be 55 degrees and sunny today...I should probably go out and get some Vitamin D therapy.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances. -- Martha Washington


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