Life, family, politics, photography, recipes/cooking, being a nurse, decorating, money-saving tips. An assortment of topics that are shared and discussed from this crazy working mother.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Both Home Sick
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Giveaway Winner!
Is it SAD?

Little Miss hasn't been herself spunky little self the last few days. She's been crying at the drop of a hat, seems so sleepy and has had a cough. I kept her home from school today (much to her dismay) and she told me all day she felt fine. As a matter of fact, she cried for two hours this morning when she woke up and realized bubby was at school while she'd been left behind. Of course, I told her that it was evident to me that she indeed did need to be home if she was going to cry like that. This evening I used my beloved and accurate glass thermometer and she had a fever of 100.0--will keep a close eye on it tonight. Amazingly she took the news that she would not being to school again okay. Bubby pipes in, "Am I going to school tomorrow?". As if....
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bubby is nine!
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm so not "techy"
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Hard Wallet Giveaway
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My computer is sick...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tasty Tuesday: Chicken & Rice
Chicken & Rice
1 can cream of chicken
1 can cream of mushroom
1 can cream of celery
1 pkg. onion soup mix
1 cup water
3 cups rice (yes, I use Minute Rice)
4 chicken breasts
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Gratitude Challenge
Friday, October 16, 2009
It's the sun!!

For those of you that don't remember...this is the sun...and I have really, really good news!
It's still out there. I know this to be true because it peeked it's little head out to shine through my patient's windows today. So, for those that are tired of the unusually cool temps and grey skies, be encouraged. Beneath those clouds, the sun is still there!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

(Description borrowed from
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Rules: Open to readers in the US and Canada. Giveaway ends October 28, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. The winner will be randomly chosen by third party and will have 48 hours to respond. Good luck to everyone entering!
Monday, October 12, 2009
You can't buy a paper with a Chucke E. Cheese Token

Roadtripping with Hubby
Hubby was howling over this one!
Next time you're singing "I Can Only Imagine" you're gonna be thinking about margarine!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Early Morning Soccer
After bubby's game we had an hour to waste until the little princess' game. You know how it is--an hour seems like such a long time until the time is up and you have to be somewhere else. We were getting ready to walk out the door when I realize bubby has no shoes or socks on. When I asked him why had taken them off he responded "I had to go to the bathroom" duh, mom. Does anyone else have to remove their footwear to use the pottie? That would be super inconvenient at work!
I'm gonna use Momma Such's frequent words (from Raising my Four Sons)...Boys can be so silly!
Hubby and I sat and watched both of our kiddies play soccer today and neither team scored any goals. I'm such a nerd...I accidentally called it a touchdown (and I really do know the difference). We just tell both the kids that having fun is the most important thing...and we mean it...mostly!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I opt out!
As many know, I'm a Registered Nurse that works in the Intensive Care Unit. Thanks goodness that we have so many educated and well-qualified doctors that work everyday to save lives. If I'm in a car accident or cut off my finger, I want an incredible surgeon to patch me up and sew everything back together. If I develop respiratory failure, I want a knowledgeable pulmonologist to help my lungs recover. When I get a nasty bacterial infection, I'll take the antibiotics I need to help me get better. Doctors, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, treatments, etc. definitely have a time and a place.
I signed a declination this week refusing the seasonal flu vaccine as well as the H1N1 vaccine at work. I feel like I made an informed decision...I've read what the WHO and the CDC says about this new flu. I've watched programs on regular TV discussing the concerns about not receiving vaccines as well. Of course, I've also read a lot on other sites like Dr. Mercola or other bloggers that have looked into this hot topic--Giovanni's World seems to have done a very thorough job of researching, and has multiple links that supports his own choice.
This is my advice. Research. Read. Investigate. Don't follow blindly but make an informed decision that you feel good about. I've opted out. The hospital I work at has basically said that there is every possibility that I will not be working when and if the "pandemic" is declared. I was told there is suspicion that this will start around December through March. That means for four months I won't have a pay check, however, I have to do what I feel is right for me and my family. I'm hopeful that this whole Swine Flu scare will have been much ado about nothing and we'll sail through, making their proposed statistics mean nothing.
And on a lighter note...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Five Word Challenge
Here goes...
- Movie. I love movies. Doesn't matter if it's a romance, animated, comedy, action, drama, horror (in really small doses), based on a true story or just so silly it could never be true. I think that I like the whole escapism part where I can cease being me and just completely absorb myself in whatever I'm that's a good movie...when you can do that! I also think that my life has had enough chaos (good and bad) that maybe I could write a book and have a movie produced about my life. Maybe I'd title it But Such is Life, or maybe not.
- Silence. What is that? I'm not really sure that I know the definition--it's not something that I do very well. Most of the time I'm surrounded by my children and they are definitely never quiet. Maybe it's the fact that I don't have the ability to not talk. When I'm by myself...when there's complete silence...I whistle, I sing, I hum, I tap on the table, I roll a pen between my fingers where it hits my rings and makes a clicky sound. Silence is not me, although at times I wish it were.
- Laughter. What a beautiful sound. What an incredible feeling. There's nothing like a big belly laugh that you can hear from across the room. Better yet, how about the sound of children laughing?? They say that it takes less muscles to smile then it does to frown and while I sometimes question that, I can say that it definitely feels better!
- Medicine. I'm gonna pretend that we're not talking about the cabinet full of medications in my kitchen or the prescriptions that I get to fill every month for my blood pressure and thyroid. I'm thinking more about what it could be like if we had a world full of people that focused on prevention instead of treatment. What if we really ate fresh fruits and veggies daily and cut out all the processed foods? What if we exercised regularly? What if we made sure that we were doing what truly made us happy? What if we cut out alot of the pharmaceuticals and instead focused on whole foods? I'm thankful that I live in the USA where we have some of the best physicians in the world with state of the art treatment, but what if we tried a little bit more of a holistic approach? Would we be better off??
- Rain. There's nothing like sleeping in on a grey morning when it's raining. My hubby loves those rainy days, but I must admit that I think that it should only rain when I'm sleeping so I don't have to see it or be in it. I know the rain is sooo important, however, it usually gives me a sinus headache. I'm a bit like a weather vane and I can literally feel it before it ever gets here. The best thing about rain is the amazing rainbows we get after the storms. Speaking of which, I actually found the end of the rainbow one afternoon, but unfortunately, no pot of gold!

That's my five word challenge! If you're interested in participating, leave a comment, and I'll send you five words as well. Have a wonderful night!
Tasty Tuesday: Scalloped Potatoes

1/2 stick butter
2-1/2 lbs. potatoes
1-1/2 tsp salt
2 T ground pepper
8 oz Cheddar cheese
Sunday, October 4, 2009
DMV Healthcare
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
All About Steve
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Over the Top

Thanks so much Molly, from I'm a Sleeper Baker, for this! You're always so great about reading what I write about...thanks so much! I'm to pass this six others, and they are:
- Amo at Where a Woman Shaker her Tablecloth
- Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim
- Nancy at If Evolution Really Works........
- Mud Mama
- Momma Such at Raising my Four Sons
- Theta Mom
then answer these questions:
1. Where is your cell phone?..on the desk in front of me
2.Your hair?...still have bed head
3. Your mother?...forgiving
4. Your father?...never here
5. Your favorite food?...Mexican
6. Your dream last night?...don't remember
7. Your favorite drink?...Dr. Pepper
8. Your dream/goal? independence
9. What room are you in? room
10. Your hobby?...reading
11. Your fear?...anything with a stinger
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?...content
13. Where were you last night? practice (6 year olds are so darn cute!)
14. Something you aren't?...quiet
15. Muffins?...blueberry
16. Wish list item? be able to work from home
17. Where did you grow up?...Missouri
18. Last thing you did?...dropped kids off at school
19. What are you wearing?...pajamas
20. Your TV?
21. Your pets?...guinea pig and gerbil
22. Your friends?...many
23. Your life?...chaotic
24. Your mood?...happy
25. Missing someone?...grandma
26. Vehicle?...Pacifica
27. Something you're not wearing?...bra...just being honest
28. Your favorite store?...any kind of home store
29. Your favorite color?
30. When was the last time you laughed?
31. Last time you cried?...couple of days ago
32. Your best friend?...a few
33. One place that I go over and over?...the hospital, where I work
34. One person who emails me regularly?..Kay
35. Favorite place to eat?...Japanese Steakhouse
Also, a thank you to Momma Such from Raising My 4 Sons for this award!
I'm so thankful for the interest that people have shown in reading my daily ramblings!